How ClockShark Prevents Buddy Punching

Buddy Punching can be a real problem for employers. Here's how ClockShark mitigates that issue.

How does ClockShark prevent buddy punching?

  • Kiosk Clock
    • The Kiosk Clock feature has facial recognition that captures a photo of the person clocking in. If someone enters a coworker's PIN, the Kiosk takes a picture of that person and alerts the Admin that the wrong person used that PIN. This picture is then stored on the timesheet so that you can address the situation with your employees in a manner you find appropriate.
  • Mobile App
    • Employees are not able to buddy punch using the mobile app. When a person is clocked in via the ClockShark mobile app, they stay clocked in until they clock out. If the employee closes the mobile app and reopens it, they are still clocked in. If the employee logs out of the mobile app, they are clocked out.

ClockShark takes buddy punching seriously. If your employees are using the ClockShark mobile app, ClockShark does everything it can to prevent buddy punching.