How to Request Time Off (Mobile and Web)

Learn how to request time off (Employees and Admins)

ClockShark Time Off is only available on the Pro Plan

Looking to set up your Time Off? Requesting time off with ClockShark is a simple process for both admins and employees. Here is how you do it from the web app:

1.) Whether you're an employee or an admin, log into ClockShark on the website > Click Time > then click My Time Clock



2.) Click the "My Time Off" tab > then click the green "Request Time Off" button.



3.) Choose the policy you're requesting time off from > then fill out the dates of your request > you can add any notes if you wish > and press Request Time Off. An email will automatically be sent to any persons designated to manage time off for that employee, and also by default to all admins in your ClockShark company. The requester will receive an email alert notifying if it has been accepted or declined.



Employees can view Pending, Accepted, or Declined requests in the “My Time Off” tab. Similarly, Admins can go to the "Paid Time Off" screen to check on any requests or to view all approved and taken time off.



4.) Admins can also make requests on behalf of the employees by going to Time > Time Off > Requests > +Add Time Off. You can also choose to automatically approve the request right then!



Requesting time off in the Mobile app is just as simple! Here’s how to request time off in the Mobile App:

1.) Head into the sidebar menu and click “Time Off”. The “Use Time Off” feature in Admin Settings must be enabled to see this.



2.) Click “Manage Time Off Requests” on either the Vacation or Sick leave plan. Here, you can review how many hours are available to use, the carryover limits, and how much time each pay period accrues. Contact your administrator to learn the difference between these plans or with other questions on which one to choose.



3.) Click “Request Time Off”



4.) Select the dates you want to request time off and either choose “Full Days” to automatically take 8 hours per day of paid time off or “Partial Days” to customize how many hours per day you would like paid time off. Then click “Next”



5.) (Optional) Write a description of your time off.



6.) Review your request, then select “Submit Request”. An email will automatically be sent to the person designated as the manager, or by default the ClockShark Admin. The requester will receive an email alert notifying if it has been accepted or declined.



7.) Click “Done” in the upper right-hand corner to exit the screen and you're finished.