How to Fix an Email Address that is Already in Use

Often employees mistakenly start their own free trial. Let us show you how to fix it.


Sometimes employees create their own ClockShark account inadvertently by signing up as if they were an employer. It's a common mistake. If you get the message in the above photo when adding an employee, please contact our 5-star Customer Support Team with the employee's email address so they can remedy the issue.

Here are the steps needed to free up that email address:

  1. Either a ClockShark Support Rep or the employee can reach out to the former employer and ask them to delete this account.
    1. Please note that when an employee is deleted from ClockShark, an admin can still retrieve all of their time records in the ClockShark reports.
  2. Your employee can create a new email address and you can use that address as their username to log in.
  3. You can create a username in email format, for example - - with the employee's details. This method allows the employee to log in to ClockShark, use it exactly the same as if it was their email address, and receive notifications through the mobile app.
  4. With a Gmail account, you can add a '+1' to act as a new email but all communications will be sent to the normal email (i.e. instead of This method gets the employee into the ClockShark app and allows them to receive emails from ClockShark.