How to Delete Your ClockShark Account

Follow these instructions to delete your ClockShark account

To delete your ClockShark account, log into ClockShark on the website (this cannot be done from the ClockShark mobile app). Once logged in, click on ADMIN > then click on Billing and Payment.

Billing & Payment

Next, you'll click Delete Account. You will be asked to choose a reason why you are deleting your account and you will have an option to leave any additional feedback. Now your ClockShark account is deleted. Once deleted, you have access to the Billing and Payment page for 30 days. On day 31, all of your data will be deleted from ClockShark.Billing & Payment-1

From here, you can Request Data. Click the Request Data link. This will open up an email for you to contact the ClockShark Customer Support team. The Support team will email you a zipped CSV file within 2 days of the request. Important: This information is intended for your use only. Please be aware that ClockShark cannot restore your account using this data. Billing & Payment - Deleted Account