Exporting Time from ClockShark to Simpro

Learn how to export time from ClockShark into Simpro

  1. After time is recorded in ClockShark and you're ready to export that time into Simpro, go to the Timesheets page and press the Export to Simpro buttonExport to SP from CS Timesheets Page
  2. You will then see a popup that shows the time activities that are preparing to export to Simpro. If all looks correct, press "Export"Screenshot_71
  3. Once the time exports, you will see a pop letting you know the results of your exportScreenshot_72
  4. Go over to your Simpro account and refresh your web browser. You will now see the time activities you just exported on the schedule in SimproScreenshot_74

Things to note

  • You must be closed out of any open Project/Service Jobs in Simpro before exporting time associated with those Project/Service Jobs
  • Exports will note duplicate
  • Exports will overwrite changes - meaning if you edit a timesheet in ClockShark and then export the time to Simpro again, the new export will replace the previous export